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Who can participate?

Students who are in the third year of their Bachelor Program (BSc, SBE) in International Business can do their fifth and sixth semester of their Bachelor Program at UDD

The double degree program is divided into 3 different stages:

  1. From August to December, students enroll in the UDD courses approved by the SBE, as well as in the course Project Evaluation. Total: 30 ECTS.
  2. Then, students spend a second semester from March to July at UDD, and participate in the courses approved by the SBE in the area of ​​Entrepreneurship while doing a professional internship. Total: 30 ECTS.
  3. Finally, during their study period at UDD, SBE students must write and finalize their Bachelor’s thesis. Total: 8 ECTS.

After successfully completing all program requirements, students will receive a Bachelor’s degree from SBE and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from UDD.

Program Cost:

You will continue to pay your normal tuition and fees to Maastricht University, leaving you released from the payment at UDD.

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