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Our School is enterprising and avant-garde with a mesh that allows us to have a holistic vision of the development possibilities of a publicist, that is, a professional capable of designing, managing, creating value, relationships between brands and users, strategies, administration, study of consumers, creation of communicational content and creativity at all levels.

Name of the CourseYear*Semester*CodeCreditsDownload description
Taller I1st1PBL12016Download PDF
Taller II1st2PBL12116Download PDF
Taller III2nd1PBL21016Download PDF
Taller V3rd1PBL31016Download PDF
Taller VI3rd2PBL32016Download PDF
Administración y NegociosAdvertising Elective; 3rd1PUE3118Download PDF
Advertising Elective; 3rd2PUE3258Download PDF
CopywrittingAdvertising Elective; 3rd1PUE4538Download PDF
Estrategias de MarketingAdvertising Elective; 3rd1PUEL5428Download PDF
Fotografía DigitalAdvertising Elective; 3rd1PUD3198Download PDF
Gráfica DigitalAdvertising Elective; 3rd2PUD3298Download PDF
La Mente del ConsumidorAdvertising Elective; 3rd1PUEL5448Download PDF
Innovación y Capital SemillaAdvertising Elective; 4th1PUEL4518Download PDF
Media PlanningAdvertising Elective; 4th1PUEL4548Download PDF
Planificación Estratégica AvanzadaAdvertising Elective; 4th1PUEL4528Download PDF
Portafolio Estratégico 4to 9 8 Descargar PDFAdvertising Elective; 4th2PUE4258Download PDF

* Year refers to the location of the course within the academic plan / curriculum.

* Semester refers to the period in which the course is offered, that is:

1: It is dictated during the first semester (March to July)

2: It is dictated during the second semester (August to December)