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UDD Impact

Decide, develop, impact … today that is the slogan inspiring the action of students, academics and researchers at Universidad del Desarrollo so that they acquire the knowledge and experience they need to address the problems of society through innovative solutions and to become agents of change.

In doing this, UDD emphasizes, on the one hand, the formation of professionals who leave their mark and are greatly aware of their public responsibility. This is the goal of the diverse curricular and extracurricular activities and volunteer initiatives and of the implementation of educational models that bring to the fore experiential learning to create early ties to the fields of work and be of service to the community.

On the other hand, the university projects its work through a solid bond with the environment that is essential both to fulfill its mission and social role by means of mutually beneficial relationships with public and private actors and to safeguard the pertinence of its educational project. Spaces to disseminate knowledge and debate ideas contribute to this goal, as do research oriented towards solving real problems and strategic alliances focused on elevating the wellbeing of society.

Chemo with my Simo is a project to provide support to children suffering from cancer. They are accompanied and prepared throughout the process. Sophie Traeger, a UDD Design graduate,