This program aims to create collaborative partnerships between our professors and academics from partner universities, framed within the efforts of UDD to strengthen internationalization at home and the development of global skills in all of their students.
What does it consist of?
The objective of this program is that our professors, along with an international academic, co-design a project, work, research, or an activity that they will define, to be developed by the students of both universities.
The initiative must have the following components:
- International: It must be done in conjunction with a foreign university.
- Collaborative / Interactive: It must consider the joint work and interaction between the students of both universities.
- Project Design: The objective must be the development of a deliverable project, the product of collaboration between both groups of students.
- Use of Technology: It must be supported by virtual technological communication tools, so that students can achieve interaction (Zoom, meet, social networks, Slack, Google Hangouts, Blackboard, etc.)
How to take part in this program?
UDD Professors interested in having a global experience can participate in this initiative through 2 modalities:
- Propose your own project and invite professors from different foreign universities (members and non-members) to participate in this initiative. Check the list of our current agreements with partner universities HERE
- Explore the international offers available and participate as a counterpart in any of the projects proposed by professors from foreign universities. To know the details of the courses and areas visit the following LINK.
Once the application has been received, the International Relations Office will be in charge of contacting foreign universities to find the ideal counterpart for each of the projects, considering the type of collaboration, duration, the language of instruction, subject area, and any other specifications to be considered.
How to apply?
To apply for the teaching exchange program in any of the 2 modalities, you must complete the following Application Form. Once we receive your request, we will contact you to advance this initiative.
If you have any questions about this program, please contact us:
Santiago Office: Constanza Moroni [email protected]
Concepción Office: Paulina Contreras [email protected]